Who is Sonja?

A couple of years ago I would have answered that question with a description such as “I am a marketer.” In the past two years, my views have changed and are evolving. So here is the most current introduction and don’t be surprised if you find a slightly different one in half a year’s time.

„You are not your thoughts. (…) You are the observer. You are the one aware of all that is happening around you. I know it may sound disappointing, but you have never seen you. You are not to be seen. You are the one who sees.“

Mo Gawdat, Solve for Happy

People person

I am passionate about people and innovation and see it as my calling to enable positive change in the world. I enjoy inspiring people, working with and within teams, and helping organizations and individuals to learn and try new things.
I was able to bring this talent to good use in large pharmaceutical companies for 13 years. During this time I worked in three different countries and three different companies, assumed responsibility for marketing and sales in local markets, led teams of different sizes and levels of complexity, advanced regional projects throughout Europe and participated in the alignment of corporate culture on a global level.
In late 2019, I consciously left my career in the industry to give my life a new direction. I wanted to understand better what makes people and organizations tick and also how to use this understanding to enable positive change for a more sustainable, human-centered and future-fit way of working.

Today, I work as a freelance facilitator, speaker and coach. My professional website (in German) lives here

You can learn a little bit more about my journey here

Avid yogi

Yoga turned out to be a game-changer for me, because it taught me to pay attention to my body, listen to what feels good – on the mat and off the mat as well. If you practice yoga regularly, you transform. You become more awake, calmer, more resilient and confident. And you start to question things that don’t feel right.

I would never have thought that yoga would be for me, as buzzing with energy and impatient as I had always been. Doing slow, controlled movements for more than 40 minutes at a time seemed like an incredibly boring hobby. Obviously, that preconception was wrong and I am immensely glad that I invited regular yoga practice into my life in 2012.

If you want to give it a try, I highly recommend yoga with Adriene

Outdoor type

Among the things I enjoy most is being outside. I don’t mind when it’s cold or windy and I love where the landscape is green and open, waiting to be explored, or where land meets sea. Hiking, cross-country skiing or a simple walk in the morning are my go-to activities. My husband introduced me to proper trekking when we first met and that opened up a new world for me. Being on a trail for a couple of days with nothing but the things you absolutley need to carry, more than a day’s hike away from the next road or settlement – that was an awe-inspiring experience that has shaped my percpetion of the outdoors.

I live in northern Germany with my husband and our cat and earn a living as freelance facilitator, speaker and coach. My professional website (in German) lives here

If you want to get in touch with me, please click here.

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